AuthorSunmi Lee (@sunmilee), David Wolinsky (@davidiw), Andrey Chursin(@andll), Kevin Hurley (@kphfb)


This DIP describes DiemID, a human-readable identifier for user accounts, and a protocol standard for pre-flight exchange using DiemID to form payment transactions.


DiemID provides a convenient method for identifying users within a VASP. DiemID allows VASPs to exchange human-readable identifiers as either the sender or the receiver of peer-to-peer payments, and plays the role of an email address for payments. The benefits of using a DiemID are:

  • Compatibility with Diem privacy approach: DiemID's do not appear on-chain and do not enable linking payments from/to the same user. The standard uses a pre-flight off-chain exchange between VASPs to agree on a reference ID. The sending VASP can then submit an on-chain transaction containing only this reference ID and without any potentially identifiable user information.
  • Persistent Identifiers: Currently there are no persistent user identifiers in the Diem ecosystem. DiemID establishes a persistent identifier from a VASP's perspective which are not used publicly on-chain.

End-to-End Experience#

Below is an example wallet-2-wallet flow using DiemID for transferring money from one user to another.


  • VASPs get approval from association (via some offline process) on domain name.
  • VASPs have access to a storage solution mapping domain IDs to parent VASP address
avasp, 0xf72589b71ff4f8d139674a3f7369c69b
bvasp, 0xc5ab123458df0003415689adbb47326d

An Example P2P Transaction Flow:#

  • Bob wants to receive funds from Alice
  • Alice has an account with VASP A: alice@avasp
  • Bob has an account with VASP B: bob@bvasp
  • VASP A contacts VASP B via an off-chain API with the sender identifier alice@avasp and requests a reference_id, rb
  • VASP A constructs a transaction with the specified amount and the reference_id rb and submits it to the Diem network
  • VASP B receives a transaction with metadata containing rb, deposits the amount in Bob's account. (VASP B may use Alice’s DiemID for its own record keeping or seek receipt confirmation from Bob.)

DiemID Format#

Diem defines globally unique identifiers to facilitate transacting on the Diem Payment Network. As Diem stores no personally identifiable information on-chain, these identifiers are exchanged during the off-chain process between two VASPs to identify a distinct source and destinations within their respective VASPs in order to produce a reference_id that can be stored on-chain. The format of identifiers is [user_identifier]@[vasp_domain_identifier]

Example: alice@avasp

  • user_identifier is a reusable identifier that represents either the source or destination end-user of a payment transaction. It is unique to per user at VASP level. Specification:
    • Case insensitive
    • Valid regular expression: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.]*$
    • Maximum length: 64 characters
  • vasp_domain_identifier is a unique string that is mapped to a VASP defined in DIP-182

We are starting with a small character set to keep it compatible with most naming schemes, but may add on to the set in the future.

On-chain Domain Resolution#

Given a receiver's DiemID, bob@bvasp, the sender VASP uses its vasp_domain_identifier (bvasp) to look up the receiving VASP's on-chain address using the on-chain domain resolution process defined in DIP-182.

ReferenceID Exchange#

Once the sender VASP gets the receiving VASP's address using on-chain domain lookup, the sender VASP initiates a reference ID exchange as defined in DIP-183 in order settle on a unique reference ID and submit the transaction on-chain.

The format of the command is:

"_ObjectType": "CommandRequestObject",
"command_type": "SenderInitiatedReferenceIDExchange",
"command": {
"_ObjectType": "SenderInitiatedReferenceIDExchange",
"sender": "alice@avasp",
"sender_address": "dm1pptdxvfjck4jyw3rkfnm2mnd2t5qqqqqqqqqqqqq305frg",
"receiver": "bob@bvasp",
"reference_id": "5b8403c9-86f5-3fe0-7230-1fe950d030cb",
"cid": "12ce83f6-6d18-0d6e-08b6-c00fdbbf085a",

The format of the success response is:

"_ObjectType": "CommandResponseObject",
"status": "success",
"result": {
"_ObjectType": "SenderInitiatedReferenceIDExchangeResponse",
"receiver_address": "dm1p7ujcndcl7nudzwt8fglhx6wxn08kgs5tm6mz4us2vfufk",
"cid": "12ce83f6-6d18-0d6e-08b6-c00fdbbf085a",

Once the reference ID exchange is done and two VASPs have settled on a reference ID, the sender VASP uses that reference ID to create a p2p transaction with PaymentMetadata and submits the transaction on-chain.